Image Grabber II

download codecImage Grabber II is a cool tool that lets you capture screenshots from different video file types like avi, mpg, dat, and more. You can save these screenshots as customized thumbnails, either in one file or several. The new version, Image Grabber.NET, comes with some awesome upgrades.

Image Grabber II

The program is fantastic, no doubt, but it does have a drawback. It can’t handle DVDs or video files created by merging DVD’s VOB files. That means it might not be the best choice if you’re working with content directly from DVDs or files made by combining DVD data. Still, for other video formats, it’s a top-notch tool! Likewise compare this to the CLAutoThumbnailer as well as the issues with the HEVC Video Extension + HEIF Image Extension.


  1. Better Batch Mode: Now you can do multiple tasks at once without freezing, and it even detects and skips frozen processes.
  2. User-Friendly: You can reorder thumbnails by dragging and dropping, scroll easily, and it works smoothly even with high-quality screens.
  3. Improved Look: The program looks neater and has tooltips for better understanding. The design fits well, especially for Vista users.
  4. Bug Fixes: Many small issues were fixed, making the tool work more smoothly and efficiently.
  5. Tech Upgrades: It now works with more video formats (like FLV) and runs on 64-bit systems.

Remember, it’s a tool that can make your video screenshot capturing experience much smoother and efficient. Enjoy grabbing those screenshots hassle-free! Lastly see also the HEIF Image Extension on here.

See also  Movie Thumbnailer

Download Image Grabber II (64bit)

Download Image Grabber II (32bit)


Released: 2.2.0 (November 30, 2012)